
Swanspool - Away. Match Result

Website updated 08-Mar-2025

On Thursday 6th March 2025 Saxons played an ‘away’ match against Swanspool, in Wellingborough.

The two mats at Swanspool were once again the principal players in this annual comedy performance, where both the home team as well as the visitors have to deal with the lightning speed of the mats as well as navigating their way over the added obstacles, i.e. the bumps in what should be flat mats, on their way to the jack.

It should be a comfort, though it never really is, that the home side themselves also struggle to keep their bowls from running long into the ditch, or running off the sides of the mat, almost as much as their visiting opponents do, with the result that in many of the ends played only five or six of the sixteen bowls delivered remained on the playing area at all. So basically this match was a competition to see:

a) which, if any, of the players could keep their bowls on the mat at all, and
b) of those that did, which one(s) had ended up nearest the jack.

On mat 1, Saxons ‘A’ team won eight of the sixteen ends, and fortunately both their number three and skip in particular coped well with the difficult conditions, so that with the support of the other two team members they were able to pull off a win by 14 shots to 11.

On the other mat, a frustrated Saxons ‘B’ team, despite winning nine of the sixteen ends played, struggled to move past Swanspool who scored a massive 6 shots in the ninth end. But they kept trying, and made a couple of good scores themselves, only to lose their game in the end by 1 shot, 15 to 16. It would have been nice to win both games, but it was a very happy Captain who found at the end of the afternoon that Saxons had in fact won overall.

Saxons ‘A’ won by 14 – 11
Saxons ‘B’ lost by 15 – 16
Saxons won overall, 29 to 27

Team A : Linda Gill, Jeanette Statham, Roger Bond, Roger Gill
Team B : Anna Davies, Kathy Marshall, Tony Sellick, David Hill

Our location

Saxon Bowlers meet at the Saxon Hall in Raunds. The entrance to the hall is off Thorpe Street just past the council offices and there is plenty of free parking available including disabled spaces.

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