internal competition, plaskett trophy - 10th october 2023

On Tuesday 10th October, 2023, 16 club members took part in the Plaskett Trophy competition, which was the first of our ‘in-house’ Club competitions for the 2023 – 2024 season.

Divided into 4 teams, each with 4 players, by picking coloured tokens, there was a “round robin” competition where each team played all of the other 3 teams. ( 6 games in total on two mats )

The time was tight, but we just had enough to fit in 5 ends in each game.

Winners : ( in alphabetical order )

Blue. Anna Davies, Kathy Marshall, Sue Rollings & Jeanette Statham

Runners Up : ( in alphabetical order )

Green.  Megan Laughton, Barry Randall, Tony Sellick & Alan Thorn

Pictures to follow after Trophy day